Like your own poster pin board in your shop, business or other public space?
If you manage a hotel, venue, cafe, shop or public space MaD Promo can keep your visitors up to date on the latest events in Adelaide with a custom poster board! We can customise a poster pin board especially for your space, or cover an unused wall with posters in your space.
Does MaD Promo look after the poster display for me?
Yes! MaD Promo can maintain your poster display for FREE. Our professional staff will visit your space regularly to display the latest hot off the press posters, flyers, and festival guides. We also keep your space neat and tidy by removing any old posters and flyers for you and recycling them through our sustainable postering methods.
Will having a poster display help my business?
Yes! Many of our location managers have commented that having MaD Promo posters and flyers in their space helps to attract customers, by adding colour and cultural credibility. Customers love to feel like they’re visiting places that are vibrant and up to date with what’s happening around town. Your public space could be the next “What’s On Guide”!
My public space isn’t in the Adelaide CBD, can I still have a poster display?
Yes you can! MaD Promo regularly visit locations in Adelaide’s metropolitan areas, including Jetty Road, Glenelg • The Parade, Norwood • Semaphore Road, Semaphore • Prospect Road, Prospect • Goodwood Road • Unley Road • King William Road • Port Adelaide. We also offer runs north and south which include locations Noarlunga • Port Noarlunga • Christies Beach • Salisbury • Elizabeth.
What do some of the MaD Promo poster and flyer displays look like?
Click here to see our image gallery to view some of the poster displays we maintain throughout Adelaide.
Could your public space could be the next “What’s On Guide” ?
Call us today to enquire about our specially customised poster board options.