MAD Promo Distribution
Special Announcements:

Want high visibility?
Talk to us about our exclusive coreflute displays!!
Hi There!
Where has 2024 gone?! It’s time to talk Fringe 2025!
In 2022 we received the go ahead for another 5 year contract from ACC for coreflute displays.
Our coreflute posters poles start going out middle of January 2025.
For those new to Fringe our Fringe coreflutes are placed around street signs, traffic lights and so on in all high traffic areas they house 12 A3’s and 9 A2’s on the larger ones. Plus our GOUD display and our regular all year round distribution points.
Our rates as follows:
A3’s 1.30 each plus gst
A2’s 1.50 each plus gst
$120 per 1,000 plus gst
$135 per 1,000 plus gst
We are also offering to rent coreflutes for a weekly period of $75 per week, per coreflute, plus normal distribution costs. There is only a limited number of these so get booking!
For all your printing needs we work closely with Minute Man Press (previously CityWest Print). They now can offer much more signage, stickers, banners – just about everything you need for your fringe promo!
Email Mehul or Jodie or
Phone: 08 8410 1277
We are requiring all materials asap by January 10th that way you’re guaranteed to go out on the first run of Fringe courflutes and displays.
We are also happy to accept Comp tickets this Keeps our shop keepers happy also gets you better spots and helps you get bums on seats.
So Fringe artists get on this, there’s no time to waste,
email us now to book in!
Welcome to MaD Promo!
MaD Promo is an Adelaide based business that specialises in distributing posters, flyers and festival program guides.
Our constantly expanding network includes cafes, stores, shopping centres, cinemas, hotels, backpackers, bookstores, restaurants, retail outlets, laundromats, car parks, universities and other educational institutions etc.
We distribute for festivals, major events, cinemas, film distributors, theatre productions, performing artists, small theatre companies, musicians, publicists, and promoters.
MaD Promo is an independently owned and operated business.