MAD Promo Distribution

2014 Adelaide Festival – MaD Promo

2014 Adelaide Festival – MaD Promo

Adelaide Festival guides are being distributed by none other than MaD Promo! Grab your copy today 🙂


Friday we started to distribute for the Adelaide Festival 2015, guides and posters are now hitting the streets of Adelaide! Keep a look out for them and grab a copy today 🙂

And by the way, if you manage a public space and would like our posters and arts guides displayed there, contact us today and we’ll come to you with the latest posters and guides, put them up, and maintain them for FREE. Contact MaD here

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Call Us! MaD Promo
Marcia 0408 340 859 or Deb 0409 533 402

Best Rates in Town!
Countless Exposure Locations
Posters, Flyers, Program Guides
Small to Large Quantities Welcome

Reliable Honest Service
Sustainable Practices
Up to 4 Weeks Exposure
Trusted and Respected